Coot software what are the dots
Coot software what are the dots

coot software what are the dots coot software what are the dots

4.20 how to enable the interactive dots during RS refinement and the Ramachandran polyeders?.4.19 specify Coot download directory, like specifying backup dir by COOT_BACKUP_DIR?.4.16 make RSR in coot 0.8.1 behave like in earlier versions.4.14 reading MTZ file with experimental PHI and FOM using -auto.4.10 Disulfide bond across crystallographic axis.4.6 Setting default to show symmetry-related molecules.4.2 Get rid of the "fix nomenclature" check.4 Assorted questions and answers (from the mailinglist).2.4.2 Running a Scheme/Python command from Python/Scheme. Simple rules for Scheme to Python translations.2.4.1 Translating between Python and Scheme.2.3.3 Example 3: NCS Rotamer differences.2.3.2 Example 2: More key bindings (inspired by the Coot BB).2.3.1 Example 1: Bernhard Lohkamp's Key Bindings.2.2.13 Optional Wrappers and (External) Shell Script Enhancements.2.2.12 Example 11: Paul Emsley's Key Bindings.

coot software what are the dots

2.2.11 Example 10: How do I bind a key to Toggle the display of NCS ghosts?.2.2.10 Example Script 9: A GUI for Chopping Back Sidechains from a Residue Range.2.2.9 Example Script 8: Partial Occupancy Dialog.2.2.8 Example Scheme Script 7: Applying arbitrary value to "B" factor column.2.2.7 Example Scheme Script 6: Creating an interface for the Powermate Dial.2.2.6 Example Scheme Script 5: Saving a Partial model.2.2.5 Example Scheme Script 4: Load the Latest Data and PDB files Automatically.2.2.4 Example Scheme Script 3: Read CNS data.2.2.3 Example Scheme Script 2: Demo a Few of Coot's Features.2.2.2 Example Scheme Script 1: Move to Molecule Centres.2.1.3 Stereo: left/right (and front/back) interchanged?.1.3.2 Installation from source code via autobuild scripts. Example: installing a 64bit nightly CentOS5 binary build on 64bit SL6. Installation from a distributed binary tarball package.

Coot software what are the dots